Quote: "Nearly every post of yours is incredibly passive-aggressive."
I don't think it's that he's trying to be passive-aggressive, I think it's just that his sarcasm is so strong it comes off that way.
Now please play nicely, you two. A beer is your reward for getting along!
TheComet, I switched my codezorzzz around as such:
-- Define our base gameObject table
gameObject = {name, xPos, yPos, xSpeed, ySpeed, width, height, sprite}
-- use to create new gameObjects (you know, in case that wasn't clear...)
function gameObject:new(o)
o = o or {}
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o -- must return "o" and not "self" or else demons will possess your computer
-- create the paddle
paddle = gameObject:new{name="player", xPos=0, yPos=winHeight-75, width=64, height=16}
-- create the ball
ball = gameObject:new{name="ball", xPos=100, yPos=100, xSpeed=7, ySpeed=7, width=16, height=16}
Not only does this seem a bit tidier, it's also a lot more readable and understandable as to what's going on. Thanks so much for the pointers!
Quote: "I don't want to use Lua."
Then don't.
EDIT: So yesterday I posted on fb that apparently, John McAfee is considering a run for the US Presidency.
Please. If there is a God, or even an all-powerful chicken, PLEASE don't let this happen. Didn't he even say a few years ago he thought he might be insane?
So, the question is this: Trump, or McAfee?
And why are our potential candidates all BUSINESSMEN?! UGH please someone in some other country come save us all.
I have the ip address to my minecraft server! Come join me!
Forum President until June 20th, 2016.