I'd be worried about the quality of some guy that says "I listen to and know good music, pick me." There's a huge difference when you're listening to digitally composed music than what a band records at 1152kbps. Personally I've been writing digital music for three years, MP3, Wav and MIDI music in many different styles. I've scored a computer game, I've scored a movie, and my work has gotten me enough fame to do the soundtrack for 2 more movies and several individual projects. I'd enter if there weren't so much already on my plate.
I suppose I could judge, on AcidPlanet people specefically request me because I write the most detailed and thorough reviews of songs, I know what to listen for when listening to a homemade song, levels, sampling, loops, I've trained myself to pick up on these things. I'm just worried, from experience, that there's so much to look for in a homemade song that most reviews end up "that was ok, I liked this part and when you did this in that place," and not in depth at all.
I just don't want the task of judging to be underestimated by guys who say "i'm listening to music now. I like music. I know good music. I can judge." I'd prefer quality digital composers to judge.