i'm running now! gimme a spot megaton!
If I am elected *cough*president*cough*.. Moderator i mean, I promise the community of DBP Forum will be a better place to visit by every living & undead being from every corner of the Universe. Peace will tranquil in the name of Lee Bamber across the planet of this majestic arena, from the rich vastland of the DarkBASIC Pro Discussion board, all the way until the magnifique megacity of General Talk board.
I will always be here, 24/7 u can't miss me, maintaining law and order on every single topic, but at the same time upbringing the harmony of what was once known as friendly fire at the expense of warnings before effective conditions are taken. With this in mind, what we will have people, are the true, pure and realisticly jam-packed community to leap straight into the 23rd century leading the online world into harnesing DarkBASIC Pro to be the most admirable, most powerful, and certainly the No.1 Game Programming/Development language in every home on Earth.
Thank you.
I've done my bullshits.. next candidate..
Snake? What happened? Snake? Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!! - Colonel Roy Campbell