Really, I think that the best way for "The Migration" to go would be for Lee to just take
all the features from Project Blue
and Fenix Mod (taking out all of the "redundant" features, of course) and adding them to the new and improved build method used in v1.16... of course still allowing the bond1 shaders to work
Be able to use both GameStarter and FPSC IP and you have yourself one heck of an engine, even by current-gen standards (if I have all my facts straight):
Timerbased logic, the ability to make large levels, smart(er) AI, CoOp, water, particles, weather, melee, duel-wielding, armor, motion-blur, bloom, third-person, vehicles, nearly limitless scripting options for almost any scenario... awesome multiplayer... and with the new shaders: current gen graphics! That's just off the top of my head! There would be so many features, I couldn't list them all in one sitting...
I know that it would be the world's BIGGEST pain to get all of it together and running smoothly, but really... for all the best features, look no further than the community! (Especially if I can get my little XNA-emulation project off the ground
Physix Coming Soon...