well why would i care what someone does with my system... as long as they returned it in the same state they found it.
i prefer it when people ASK to use my system and thats how i have it setup - but as long as they ask i don't see the harm.
any sensitive information is never stored on a machine that i'm willing to connect to any network - it is backed up into a floating HDD which is connected to a totally independant system.
as for Linux I KNOW howto use use it, and i know it well ... but i don't want to HAVE to know exactly howto use it just to get it working the way it SHOULD.
there is a difference between knowing what your doing and not WANTING to touch the internals of a system, and not having a f**king clue yet messing with it anyways.
problem with Linux is you can't simply install it as a pickup'n'play thing - you have to understand what your doing, even then to make sure it is stable enough to use you have to set it up SPECIFICALLY for your machine.
Explain to me... why the hell should i have to make sure my kernel is recompiled just so that it is totally stable?
why the hell should i have to know exactly howto use the harddisk partition system just to create a new folder?
why should i need to understand the coding behind networking to setup a network on Linux properly?
if i install an OS out of the Box i expect it to WORK without me needing to know a sodding thing about it ... that is the point in a Graphics Interface User Operating System - to give the user the ability to use the computer without having to worry about how it is all setup.
i'm not going around Linux touching anything, plain, out of the box, Linux should install without me needing to know what brand of graphics card i have and what graphics systems its capable of using.
I shouldn't need to understand all the specs of my system just to install something new ...
i should be able to sit there with a piece of software look at the box and it should say Linux "whatever" compatible... and when i put it in it works... not "Kernel 3.x.2.xx compatible" to first find out which kernel i have and then to find out that even though it is comptible, its not actually compatible until i change umpteen things on the system first. Then it'll work without crashing.
Linux is a great OS for people who like to sit there and find out everything there is to know about thier OS to the point of where they could recode the bloody thing (and oftenly NEED to in order to get things working).
Windows isn't a hassle to me, it runs just as fast as any Linux and i don't have to worry about everything being incomptible or anything like that. I can just click install and it DOES install... i have very simple and easy access to everything and even though i know exactly howto edit my system right down to the core, the chances are i will NEVER EVER need that knowlage in order to do anything on the OS.
i prefer Unix to Linux, always have and always will - simply because it isn't pretending to be something it isn't.
until Linux introduce a STANDARD there will NEVER be stability out of the box ... and Linux won't introduce a standard because of its makeup.
when i use an OS the last thing i want to be worrying about is what my Kernel and plugins are capable of and if they're compatible with everything else - with Windows i don't need to think about using the OS, simply use it.