Wolf- That's awesome my man. I love how widely varied the styles of everybody are. I guess that's what makes art art though
I guess I never got around to scanning some of my drawings. Aaah well, eventually hahah. I've been working on 2D game assets. Working on 64 x 64 tiles here, and can really use some critique!
(Tried working on a tree here, but like the dumbass I am, I made it entirely too small
(Test map I made to try out some of these.)
If anybody needs something made, I can give it a shot. Any of these are free to use for whatever as they were meant purely for experience. I've always had a passion for 2D games (jrpgs in particular)
Attached is a basic template I made specifically for my tile creation. It also makes it easier to locate individual tiles, so use it as you wish. I did my best to make each of these as seamless as possible. The only tile that gave me problems was the stone tile
"To lead, you must first die in your mind. Let go of life, and embrace it!!!"