Quote: "These models are well worth the 7 or 8 dollars it costs. Which is why I was more than happy to spend when i bought this pack.
People on these forums get spoiled because of the ABSURDLY low prices that TGC charge for their model packs. "
It just seems to me like these models are a bit basic. But that is just me, and like Blackfox said let's keep this on topic.
Quote: "If you think these are overpriced, then I would steer clear of sites like turbosquid, dexsoft, or 3drt, cuz your likely to have a stroke."
I have already been on there site, and have wanted to purchase A LOT of their products. But there prices are wayyy to high. But they have a reason for that, their models are usually REALLY detailed and very high poly. They have like full cities on turbosquid, it is insane! But im done complaining, i don't even know how i ended up in this thread anyway