Websafe colour names function:
This function needs to be run at the beginning of the program after any #include statements, it adds a set of constants with websafe colour names. So if you ever want "SkyBlue", "Azure", "Aquamarine", "Lavender", etc without wanting to look up the RGB lists, then this function will solve your problems! Just type the colour you want and let the #constants do the rest.
Function Colours()
//Whites and Pastels
#constant Snow 255,250,250
#constant Snow2 238,233,233
#constant Snow3 205,201,201
#constant Snow4 139,137,137
#constant GhostWhite 248,248,255
#constant WhiteSmoke 245,245,245
#constant Gainsboro 220,220,220
#constant FloralWhite 255,250,240
#constant OldLace 253,245,230
#constant Linen 240,240,230
#constant AntiqueWhite 250,235,215
#constant AntiqueWhite2 238,223,204
#constant AntiqueWhite3 205,192,176
#constant AntiqueWhite4 139,131,120
#constant PapayaWhip 255,239,213
#constant BlanchedAlmond 255,235,205
#constant Bisque 255,228,196
#constant Bisque2 238,213,183
#constant Bisque3 205,183,158
#constant Bisque4 139,125,107
#constant PeachPuff 255,218,185
#constant PeachPuff2 238,203,173
#constant PeachPuff3 205,175,149
#constant PeachPuff4 139,119,101
#constant NavajoWhite 255,222,173
#constant Moccasin 255,228,181
#constant Cornsilk 255,248,220
#constant Cornsilk2 238,232,205
#constant Cornsilk3 205,200,177
#constant Cornsilk4 139,136,120
#constant Ivory 255,255,240
#constant Ivory2 238,238,224
#constant Ivory3 205,205,193
#constant Ivory4 139,139,131
#constant LemonChiffon 255,250,205
#constant Seashell 255,245,238
#constant Seashell2 238,229,222
#constant Seashell3 205,197,191
#constant Seashell4 139,134,130
#constant Honeydew 240,255,240
#constant Honeydew2 244,238,224
#constant Honeydew3 193,205,193
#constant Honeydew4 131,139,131
#constant MintCream 245,255,250
#constant Azure 240,255,255
#constant AliceBlue 240,248,255
#constant Lavender 230,230,250
#constant LavenderBlush 255,240,245
#constant MistyRose 255,228,225
#constant White 255,255,255
#constant Black 0,0,0 000000
#constant DarkSlateGray 49,79,79
#constant DimGray 105,105,105
#constant SlateGray 112,138,144
#constant LightSlateGray 119,136,153
#constant Gray 190,190,190
#constant LightGray 211,211,211
#constant MidnightBlue 25,25,112
#constant Navy 0,0,128
#constant CornflowerBlue 100,149,237
#constant DarkSlateBlue 72,61,139
#constant SlateBlue 106,90,205
#constant MediumSlateBlue 123,104,238
#constant LightSlateBlue 132,112,255
#constant MediumBlue 0,0,205
#constant RoyalBlue 65,105,225
#constant Blue 0,0,255
#constant DodgerBlue 30,144,255
#constant DeepSkyBlue 0,191,255
#constant SkyBlue 135,206,250
#constant LightSkyBlue 135,206,250
#constant SteelBlue 70,130,180
#constant LightSteelBlue 176,196,222
#constant LightBlue 173,216,230
#constant PowderBlue 176,224,230
#constant PaleTurquoise 175,238,238
#constant DarkTurquoise 0,206,209
#constant MediumTurquoise 72,209,204
#constant Turquoise 64,224,208
#constant Cyan 0,255,255
#constant LightCyan 224,255,255
#constant CadetBlue 95,158,160
#constant Green 0,255,0
#constant MediumAquamarine 102,205,170
#constant Aquamarine 127,255,212
#constant DarkGreen 0,100,0
#constant DarkOliveGreen 85,107,47
#constant DarkSeaGreen 143,188,143
#constant SeaGreen 46,139,87
#constant MediumSeaGreen 60,179,113
#constant LightSeaGreen 32,178,170
#constant PaleGreen 152,251,152
#constant SpringGreen 0,255,127
#constant LawnGreen 124,252,0
#constant Chartreuse 127,255,0
#constant MediumSpringGreen 0,250,154
#constant GreenYellow 173,255,47
#constant LimeGreen 50,205,50
#constant YellowGreen 154,205,50
#constant ForestGreen 34,139,34
#constant OliveDrab 107,142,35
#constant DarkKhaki 189,183,107
#constant Khaki 240,230,140
#constant PaleGoldenrod 238,232,170
#constant LightGoldenrodYellow 250,250,210
#constant LightYellow 255,255,224
#constant Yellow 255,255,0
#constant Gold 255,215,0
#constant LightGoldenrod 238,221,130
#constant Goldenrod 218,165,32
#constant DarkGoldenrod 184,134,11
#constant RosyBrown 188,143,143
#constant IndianRed 205,92,92
#constant SaddleBrown 139,69,19
#constant Sienna 160,82,45
#constant Peru 205,133,63
#constant Burlywood 222,184,135
#constant Beige 245,245,220
#constant Wheat 245,222,179
#constant SandyBrown 244,164,96
#constant Tan 210,180,140
#constant Chocolate 210,105,30
#constant Firebrick 178,34,34
#constant Brown 165,42,42
#constant DarkSalmon 233,150,122
#constant Salmon 250,128,114
#constant LightSalmon 255,160,122
#constant Orange 255,165,0
#constant DarkOrange 255,140,0
#constant Coral 255,127,80
#constant LightCoral 240,128,128
#constant Tomato 255,99,71
#constant OrangeRed 255,69,0
#constant Red 255,0,0
//Pinks and violets
#constant HotPink 255,105,180
#constant DeepPink 255,20,147
#constant Pink 255,192,203
#constant LightPink 255,182,193
#constant PaleVioletRed 219,112,147
#constant Maroon 176,48,96
#constant MediumVioletRed 199,21,133
#constant VioletRed 208,32,144
#constant Violet 238,130,238
#constant Plum 221,160,221
#constant Orchid 218,112,214
#constant MediumOrchid 186,85,211
#constant DarkOrchid 153,50,204
#constant DarkViolet 148,0,211
#constant BlueViolet 138,43,226
#constant Purple 160,32,240
#constant MediumPurple 147,112,219
#constant Thistle 216,191,216