Regarding animations. I've pondered on this today and I guess it wouldn't be to hard to load a separate image for those tiles that are animated, then have AppGameKit handle the animation. I'll look into this for the Alpha.
Chris Tate:
Quote: "I experienced the issue after playing level one; then playing level one once again"
I cannot replicate this. The level should end as soon as you exit the screen to the right. Really weird. Have you experienced this more than once?
Quote: "I like the game. It has a cool groove, and already feels polished in many ways."
Thank you
Quote: "Love the opening screen, and when the music and "Rush to Adventure" logo hits, I got a bit of a shiver."
So it's not just me then
I made the intro before adding the music and it just fit right on with timing and everything.
Quote: "The music could use a little less melody in places. Too much melody gets tiring, and hence annoying some people. Larger sections of just the chord progressions would make it easier as backing music."
The music is already made and Chris doesn't have the original files. So it's take it or leave it. And it would be very hard to find better music.
Quote: ""Forrest" is misspelt. Should be forest."
Another r sneaking in there. Not the first time
Quote: "I think that was an issue of JoyToKey's making, however."
Weird, the loop should insure that the overlay is turned off before you get back to the world map. I don't think I can do anything about this. Clicking on the ! again should fix it.
Quote: "On the level up screen, there is no identifier for what you have selected, besides the audio. A little visual effect would make it more obvious, and a lot of people play mobile games without sound. "
I have thought about this. Will see if it makes it into the Pre-Alpha
Quote: "The jump is pretty floaty at the moment. This is more a personal thing, as I perfer a nice tight jump like SMB3 or Eversion."
Isn't it kind of floaty in SMB3? Jumps are really hard to get right. I also have some collision problems if anything moves too fast and the FPS is too low.
Quote: "The dude's animation could be a little more expressive. Currently, there is little weight to any of his actions (attack, jump). A bit of anticipation/follow-through would work wonders."
You mean adding more frames? I want the controls to be instant/twitchy, as was common in many older games.
Quote: "Overall, love it. I am looking forward to the alpha, and would LOVE to try making a few levels in your editor! "
The current plan is to release the new editor with the PC/Mac version. Possibly making a tablet version as well. I'm also thinking about cross-platform online level sharing. Possibly as a crowd fund stretch goal as it would require some time to do.
Quote: "One other thing - what is the time to beat on each level to get the highest rank?"
I can dig up the the scores to beat:
1. 3590
2. 3430
3. 5100
4. 6560
5. 6960
6. 4760
7. 8110
I plan to lower the scores for Hard and Insane