@ Naphier,
OK, here are some draft suggested SQLITE commands - anyone who knows anything about SQLITE will get the drift of where I am coming from:-
success = SQLITE OPEN DATABASE(filename$, databaseID, username$, password$)
success = SQLITE CLOSE DATABASE(databaseID)
success = SQLITE DELETE DATABASE(databaseID)
success = SQLITE UPDATE STATEMENT(databaseID, sqlUpdate$) - a sql statement just updating the database - resulting in no recordset
success = SQLITE QUERY STATEMENT(databaseID, sqlQuery$) - a sql statement resulting in a recordset which can be interrogated
number = SQLITE COLUMN COUNT(databaseID) - get the number of columns in any recordset - starting with 0
name$ = SQLITE COLUMN NAME$(databaseID, column) - gets the name of any specified column in a recordset or NULL if no such column exists
definition$ = SQLITE COLUMN DEFINITION$(databaseID, column) - gets the definition or type of the specified column in a recordset
number = SQLITE ROW COUNT(databaseID) - get the number of rows in any recordset - starting with 1
success = SQLITE FIRST ROW(databaseID) - returns 1 if successfully pointed to first row of a recordset, otherwise 0 (no recordset exists)
success = SQLITE NEXT ROW(databaseID) - returns 1 if successfully pointed to next row (first one if this is called first in a recordset) of a recordset, otherwise 0 (if no next recordset exists)
success = SQLITE PREVIOUS ROW(databaseID) - returns 1 if successfully pointed to previous row in recordset, otherwise 0
success = SQLITE LAST ROW(databaseID) - returns 1 if successfully pointed to last (of any) row in recordset, otherwise 0
value$ = SQLITE RECORD STRING$(databaseID,column) - returns the string value of the numbered column in the current row of the current recordset generated by a sql query
value = SQLITE RECORD INTEGER(databaseID,column) - returns the integer value of the numbered column in the current row of the current recordset generated by a sql query
value# = SQLITE RECORD FLOAT(databaseID,column) - returns the float value of the numbered column in the current row of the current recordset generated by a sql query
success = SQLITE GET MEMBLOCK BLOB(databaseID, startColumn, targetMemblockID)
- actually grabs the blobdata from the named recordset in the current row and makes it in to the specified targetMemblock (see commands below)
success = SQLITE END QUERY(databaseID) - must always be called when you have finished interrogating any resultant recordset following a query
success = SQLITE ADD BLOB COLUMNS(databaseID,table$,memblockNameColumn$,memblockTypeName$,memblockSizeName$,memblockBlobDataName$) - adds 4 named columns to the end of the named table in the database
- the columns are memblockName$, memblockTypeName$, memblockSizeName$,memblockBlobDataName$
success = SQLITE INSERT BLOB(databaseID,table$,memblockStartColumn,memblockName$,memblockType$,memblockSize,memblockID)
- inserts a memblock in to the named table
- memblockStartColumn defines the first column (from 0) of the four columns detailing the memblock
- memblockName$ defines the name you want to give to the memblock
- memblockType$ defines the type of the memblock ie. image, sound, file, other
- memblockSize defines the size of the memblock in bytes (which I think is necessary for putting in and getting blobs)
- memblockID defines the ID of the memblock you want to insert as a blob in the fourth specified column from the StartColumn
a long time dabbler with DBC and DBPro with no actual talent but lots of enthusiasm...