@Final World:
cls rgb(255, 0, 0)
print MaskedInput(0, 0)
wait key
function MaskedInput(xPos, yPos)
pass$ = ""
pass$ = StripString(pass$+entry$())
clear entry buffer
hiddenpass$ = ""
for a = 1 to len(pass$)
hiddenpass$ = hiddenpass$ + "*"
next a
ink 0, 0
box xPos, yPos, xPos+text width(pass$), yPos+text height(pass$)
ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0
text xPos, yPos, hiddenpass$
until returnkey()
ink 0, 0
box xPos, yPos, xPos+text width(pass$), yPos+text height(pass$)
ink rgb(255, 255, 255), 0
endfunction pass$
function StripString(myStr$)
outStr$ = ""
for x=1 to len(myStr$)
char$ = mid$(myStr$, x)
if asc(char$)>31 then outStr$ = outStr$ + char$
if asc(char$)=8 then outStr$ = left$(outStr$, len(outStr$)-1)
next x
endfunction outStr$
Tempest - P2P UDP Multiplayer Plugin - 80%
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