@El Goorf
I really hope he's not.
@The Full Metal Coder Roxas
@Everyone & Milkman
You can now set a window's font.
Remember, however, that the font size you enter should be double what you want... ex, for 12, enter 24.
Anywho, the command added is: gui_setWindowFont
window, size, fontName$, italic, underline, strikeout, bold
window = The handle to the GUI element (window) which is going to have its font set.
size = The size of the font being set. This should be set to double what you want.
fontName$ = The name of the font, as a string, ex: "Courier New", or "Arial", etc.
italic = Is the font italic?
underline = Is the font underlined?
strikeout = Is the font striked out?
bold = Is the font bolded?
The new INI file:
STARTWIN32=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Initializes db user 2006+'s GUI Plugin
DBPHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve dbp's HWND value
DBPHINSTANCE=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve dbp's HINSTANCE value
DBPHICON=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve a handle to dbp's icon
DESKTOPHWND=main.htm=(*No Parameters*) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the handle to the desktop window
GUI_MAKEWINDOW=main.htm=(width, height, title$, parent [,style[,extraStyle]]) ;Returns integer - Create a window, returns handle to window
GUI_DESTROYWINDOW=main.htm=window - Destroy an existing window
GUI_GETWINDOWX=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the X Position of a window
GUI_GETWINDOWY=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the Y Position of a window
GUI_GETWINDOWWIDTH=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the width of a window
GUI_GETWINDOWHEIGHT=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the height of a window
GUI_SHOWWINDOWEX=main.htm=window, show - Show a window based on the "show" value
GUI_SHOWWINDOW=main.htm=window - Make a window visible
GUI_HIDEWINDOW=main.htm=window - Make a window invisible
GUI_ENABLEWINDOW=main.htm=window - Enable a window
GUI_DISABLEWINDOW=main.htm=window - Disable a window
GUI_WINDOWENABLED=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Retrieve rather or not a window is enabled
GUI_POSITIONWINDOW=main.htm=window, x, y - Position a window
GUI_RESIZEWINDOW=main.htm=window, width, height - Resize a window
GUI_SETWINDOWTEXT=main.htm=window, text$ - Set a window's text
GUI_GETWINDOWTEXT$=main.htm=(window) ;Returns string - Retrieve a window's text
DLL_LOAD=main.htm=(file$) ;Returns integer - Load a useable dll for the WinGui plugin
DLL_DESTROY=main.htm=handle - Destroy a dll loaded by DLL_LOAD
DLL_GETRCSTRING=main.htm=(handle, id) ;Returns string - Get a string table string from a dll loaded with DLL_LOAD
GUI_GETFOCUSWINDOW=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Get the window with focus to the keyboard
GUI_BUTTONPRESSED=main.htm=(handle) ;Returns integer - Get if a button was pressed or not
GUI_BOXCHECKED=main.htm=(handle) ;Returns integer - Get if a radiobox/checkbox is checked or not
GUI_MAKEBUTTON=main.htm=(text$,x,y,width,height,parent) ;Returns integer - Create a button
GUI_MAKECHECKBOX=main.htm=(text$,x,y,width,height,parent) ;Returns integer - Create a checkbox
GUI_MAKERADIOBOX=main.htm=(text$,x,y,width,height,parent) ;Returns integer - Create a radiobox
GUI_MAKEGROUPBOX=main.htm=(text$,x,y,width,height,parent) ;Returns integer - Create a groupbox
GUI_MAKECOMBOBOX=main.htm=(x,y,width,height,list,parent) ;Returns integer - Create a combobox
GUI_INSERTSTRING=main.htm=handle,string$,position - Insert a string into a combobox, position -1 appends to end of combobox
GUI_REMOVESTRING=main.htm=handle,position - Removes a string from a position, position -1 removes the last string in the combobox
GUI_FINDSTRING=main.htm=(handle,string$) ;Returns integer - Find a non-case-sensitive string in a combobox
GUI_GETITEMCOUNT=main.htm=(handle) ;Returns integer - Retrieve how many items are in a combobox
GUI_GETCURRENTITEM=main.htm=(handle) ;Returns integer - Get the currently selected item in a combobox
GUI_GETITEMTEXT=main.htm=(handle,position) ;Returns string - Retrieve the text of an item in a combobox
GUI_CLEARITEMDATA=main.htm=(handle) - Destroy all the items in a combo/listbox.
GUI_MAKELABEL=main.htm=(text$,x,y,width,height,parent) ;Returns integer - Create a label (Piece of text)
GUI_MAKETRACKBAR=main.htm=(x,y,width,height,minSize,maxSize,parent) ;Returns integer - Create a trackbar
GUI_SETTRACKBARMINSIZE=main.htm=handle,size - Set the minimum trackbar size value (Not visual size, but value size)
GUI_SETTRACKBARMAXSIZE=main.htm=handle,size - Set the maximum trackbar size value (Not visual size, but value size)
GUI_GETTRACKBARMINSIZE=main.htm=(handle) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the minimum trackbar size value
GUI_GETTRACKBARMAXSIZE=main.htm=(handle) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the maximum trackbar size value
GUI_SETTRACKBARPOSITION=main.htm=handle,position - Set the position of the slider on the trackbar
GUI_GETTRACKBARPOSITION=main.htm=(handle) ;Returns integer - Retrieve the position of the slider on the trackbar
EDITNORMAL=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Pass to gui_makeEditbox, set the type as a normal editbox
EDITPASSWORD=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Pass to gui_makeEditbox, set the type as a password editbox
EDITDIGITS=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Pass to gui_makeEditbox, set the type as a digits-only editbox
GUI_MAKEEDITBOX=main.htm=(x,y,width,height,singleline,type,parent) ;Returns integer - Create an editbox
GUI_GETEDITTEXT=main.htm=(handle,linenumber) ;Returns string - Get the text in an editbox. Start from 0
GUI_UPDATEWINDOW=main.htm=handle - Automatically refresh a window
GUI_GETEVENT=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Update the event buffer
GUI_GETEVENTHWND=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Retrieve the window handle responsible for the event
GUI_GETEVENTMESSAGE=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Retrieve the reason for the event
GUI_GETEVENTWPARAM=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Get extra data to the event
GUI_GETEVENTLPARAM=main.htm=() ;Returns integer - Get extra data to the event
GUI_CLEAREVENT=main.htm=*No Parameters* - Clear the event buffer
GUI_SENDEVENT=main.htm=(handle,message,wParam,lParam) ;Returns integer - Send an event to a window
GUI_ADDPARAM=main.htm=(value1, value2, ... value9) ;Returns DWORD - Add several parameters together
GUI_CREATEWINDOW=main.htm=(extraValue, className$, title$, parameters, x, y, width, height, parentWindow, menu) ;Returns integer - Create a window
WS_BORDER=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_CAPTION=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_CHILD=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_CHILDWINDOW=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_CLIPCHILDREN=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS==main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_DISABLED==main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_DLGFRAME=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_GROUP=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_HSCROLL=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_ICONIC=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_MAXIMIZE=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_MINIMIZE=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_MINIMIZEBOX=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_OVERLAPPED=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_POPUP=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_POPUPWINDOW=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_SIZEBOX=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_SYSMENU=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_TABSTOP=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_THICKFRAME=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_TILED=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_TILEDWINDOW=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_VISIBLE=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
WS_VSCROLL=main.htm=() ;Returns DWORD - A parameter for gui_createWindow
GUI_GETPARENTWINDOW=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Get a window's parent window handle
GUI_SETPARENTWINDOW=main.htm=window - Set a window's parent window
GUI_SETFOREGROUNDWINDOW=main.htm=window - Set the foreground window
GUI_SETACTIVEWINDOW=main.htm=window - Set the active window
GUI_GETACTIVEWINDOW=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Get the active window
GUI_CLOSEWINDOW=main.htm=window - Close a window
GUI_MAXIMIZEWINDOW=main.htm=window - Maximize a window
GUI_MINIMIZEWINDOW=main.htm=window - Minimize a window
GUI_RESTOREWINDOW=main.htm=window - Restore a window to it's normal state
GUI_SETWINDOWCOLOR=main.htm=window, red, green, blue - Set a window's background color
GUI_PAINTWINDOW=main.htm=window - "Paint" a window
GUI_MAKEPROGRESSBAR=main.htm=(x, y, width, height, rangeSize, type, parent) ;Returns integer - Create a progress bar
GUI_SETPROGRESSBARPOSITION=main.htm=window, position - Set a progressbar's progress
GUI_SETPROGRESSBARRANGE=main.htm=window, rangeSize - Set a progressbar's maximum range
GUI_GETPROGRESSBARPOSITION=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Get a progressbar's progress
GUI_GETPROGRESSBARRANGE=main.htm=(window) ;Returns integer - Get a progressbar's progress range size
GUI_SETWINDOWFONT=main.htm=window, size, fontName$, italic, underline, strikeout, bold - Set a window's text font
Semi update!
Menubars will work soon for the WinGUI DLL.
After menu bars, I might implement toolbars, then statusbars.
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