@luke escude
gui_insertString or gui_insertItem or whatever I named it. To be honest I've been working on this revision so much I've forgotten the name!
I cannot tell you what I think of your world maker at the moment, but I can tell you good job, and the best of luck to you.
I haven't enough space on the USB I brought to download it, so I can't use it.
Here's the changes log SO FAR. And a demo of what I've done:
Wednesday, December 26th, 2007
I added toolbar support (Ported).
I added menu item support (Nothing ported). Note:
I'm going to stop saying "(Nothing ported)" in this
changes document as that should be a given. If anything
is ported, I'll simply say "(Ported)".
I added radio box support (Nothing ported but
the check box system).
I added check box support (Nothing ported,
this was completely rewritten).
I added combo box support (Nothing ported but
the newly written listbox code).
Tuesday, December 25th, 2007 (Christmas Day)
I added progress bar support (Nothing ported
over, this was completely rewritten).
I added tab support (Most of this was simply
wrapping the old tab commands).
I added further treeview control support, including
features such as setting the background color AND
text color of treeview gadgets.
I added support for Tree View controls.
I added support for List Box controls, as well as
added many functions to add further support to them.
I added support to set the TEXT COLOR of form controls.
Forms can be used as labels (gadgets which only display
text), so this may come in handy for some. As an
additional note, this CAN be used as a pseudo link-label
gadget. Additional text properties (Such as underline)
may come later.
I recreated form/panel controls, now they are custom
windows (Internally). Form gadgets are now drawn
by WinGui instead of Windows.
I added input support (You can get how many times
a the left mouse button was clicked on window,
form, and button gadgets. You can get how many
times the middle and right mouse buttons were
clicked on window and form gadgets). I prepared
other forms of input as well, which includes
keyboard state retrieval per gadget.
Sunday, December 23rd, 2007
I fixed a bug which just showed itself, which was the
improper rendering of gadgets that are embedded into
I fixed a bug which just showed itself, which was the
improper text retrieval of gadgets. The retrieval is
now "dynamic" so if an outside program changes the
text of a gadget, or if the user types text into an
edit (for example) then the text will be retrieved
I added support for the following gadgets (again):
Edits (Singleline and Multiline), Slider,
Friday, December 21st, 2007
Callback support has been added for drawing, modifying
(positioning or resizing), and closing a WINDOW gadget.
Callbacks will not be supported for any other type of
WinGui gets support for retrieving a gadget's client width
& height (Internal mods made to accompany this).
WinGui gets parent setting/retrieving command.
Thursday, December 20th, 2007
WinGui gets all the core commands back (Like positioning
a window, resizing a window, retrieving the width/height,
setting text/retrieving text, etc). This is with the
exception of the parent setting/retrieving commands, which
are usually unnecessary.
Event system is back. A new internal stack is now used to
allow the continuous logging of events, just incase some are
You can now retrieve how many events are within the event
stack, retrieve the current event, get information about the
current event, etc. In addition, you can clear the event
stack and enable or disable the use of the event stack.
Monday, December 17th, 2007
WinGui has a major bug fix allowing the C++ version
to properly close when no windows exist.
WinGui gets window coloring to work properly.
Most of the internals work properly now.
I started a change log, and started doing backups.
Demo is attached as a downloadable.
Madness never stops..... It takes a breather every once in a while, but then it grabs it's inhaler and chases you down the street with a cane.
Aex.Uni forums