Hehe, anyone ever tried making a game in VB? - it's just not cut out for it. It's basically just a load of OCX's and .DLL's in a basic wrapper, I'm not sure it teaches you bad habbits, I use it all the time and my VB code is far far neater than my DB code, if anything it forces you to take care. For example, you can't leave lines of code with syntax errors then come back to them, it's like an instant debugger when you need it least. I'm not a fan of the VB community though, for a laugh, go onto a VB forum and tell them you always switch Option Explicit off - you can almost hear the soap boxes being dragged into position
Now, if M$ follow a similar track to Sony, they might release a BASIC for the X-Box, perhaps a net yaroze style hook-up using the LAN cable. If this happens, I seriously hope they forget about VB and start from scratch with something like DB. Of course if DBS could get there first with an X-Box add-on for DBPro, they'd be minted.
The new game boy certainly does look pretty cool - I hated the GBA design, gave me hand cramps after about 10 minutes of Doom, plus a headache from squinting at a barely lit screen - now it looks like a travel alarm clock! - cool!, you can pretend it's the worlds smallest laptop.