@ Xenosythe
I was making it while learning the the tools so it took a couple of hours, but if I was to do a Torso again , using reference images then it would probably take me about 30 mins to get to that point.
@ blooddeath
The reference images are very easy to set up. In wings RMB then click image plane... load your front image. Select it , press 'x' to look along the x vector. Now keep CTRL pressed and RMB->Rotate->Y and rotate until its facing front (ie dissapears from view when loking along x). Now press 'r' to reset view, press space to select nothing. RMB -> image plane... load side image. Now select both and RMB->Scale->Uniform and scale to size you want. Select side view plane, RMB->Move->X and move to just outside work area. Ditto front view plane on Z vector. Nearly ready...
Now deselect both, goto Select->Lock Unselected. Now we ready.
'w' toggles wireframe. To vertex edit always switch orthogonal view - key 'o' toggle orthogonal. You can switch between z and x views - keys 'z' and 'x'.
*edit* - also I crated a virtual mirror. I started with a cube, scaled it down and moved it so the left side of the cube was exaclty at the centre of the model. Now I selected the left face of the cube and - Tools->Virtual Mirror->Create. Now I just modelled the right side and everything was mirrored on the left side.
@ Moondog
I've had a quick look at unwrapping, and it looks realy easy and quick.
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