well i'm hoping come 2004 no-one is going to be disappointed with SpaceHulk
been working on this puppy for almost 3years now, with 2 other very dedicated people ... and the game itself though not exactly the longest game technically (36hrs is max time, then you autofail) the fact of what it is and the whole atmosphere given throughout the game, really makes it feel alot longer.
A recent playtest done on the new breeding centre upgrade, saw our playtest guy'n'girl come across an bunch of guys which were to put it delicately - being used as buffet's for the genestealers as well as jestation vessels (which took amanda by surprise, but i mean if you don't expect some touchs from alien(s) in then really should play something more timid like Resident Evil
well the whole area is protected primarily by 2 genestealers and by this point your around 3-4hrs into the game, so they've learnt enough to stay alive and come up with some clever ways to kill you (however still pretty prone to moronic mistakes) ... well that whole section they're trying to retrieve something - and we got told that they'd play for like 5-10minutes and they'd feel like they've been on for an hour, its like they don't realise exactly how short what they're doing is
so far we have no ending, so can't tell you exactly how long it would take to finish ... alot more at the moment is the Cg updates (which have been going on for almost 7months now, my Cg Engine has helped it alot with atmospherics and i've got a new one i've only just started developing which will add realism that hopefully will just make you disbelieve your playing a game
but the point is, with a game like that you can afford to have a short as hell title because they seem alot longer due to the fear factor, whereas Zelda is a more fun leaving you really wanting more - rather than shutting it away in a box and playing it 10years down the line when you've just gotten over the first play
i hope that the next one will be alot longer and preferably have more of an involving storyline - might just have been me, but the story in TWW was pretty weak.
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?