Quick Type is a program I made to teach people how to type quickly. This program is very simple and extremly easy to use. To use all you do is press the key thats on the screen within the time limit (2 minutes) I only made it in about 20 minutes so its not perfect but its pretty good! (add your code here if you modify it)
rem opening file/setting variables
if file exist("stats.txt")=1 then open to read 1,"stats.txt":read string 1,var$:goal=val(var$)+5
rem count down
set text size 100:set text font "arial":set text to bold:set cursor 270,150
ink rgb(255,0,0),1
print "3"
wait (1000)
ink rgb(255,255,0),1
set cursor 270,150
print "2"
wait (1000)
ink rgb(0,255,0),1
set cursor 270,150
print "1"
wait (1000)
ink rgb(255,255,255),1
set cursor 245,150
print "GO"
wait (1000)
rem getting random key
if new=0 then key=rnd(45)
if new=0 and key=memkey then key=key+5
if new=0 and key>45 then key=key-20
if key=0 then push$="`":new=1
if key=1 then push$="1":new=1
if key=2 then push$="2":new=1
if key=3 then push$="3":new=1
if key=4 then push$="4":new=1
if key=5 then push$="5":new=1
if key=6 then push$="6":new=1
if key=7 then push$="7":new=1
if key=8 then push$="8":new=1
if key=9 then push$="9":new=1
if key=10 then push$="0":new=1
if key=11 then push$="-":new=1
if key=12 then push$="=":new=1
if key=13 then push$="q":new=1
if key=14 then push$="w":new=1
if key=15 then push$="e":new=1
if key=16 then push$="r":new=1
if key=17 then push$="t":new=1
if key=18 then push$="y":new=1
if key=19 then push$="u":new=1
if key=20 then push$="i":new=1
if key=21 then push$="o":new=1
if key=22 then push$="p":new=1
if key=23 then push$="[":new=1
if key=24 then push$="]":new=1
if key=25 then push$="a":new=1
if key=26 then push$="s":new=1
if key=27 then push$="d":new=1
if key=28 then push$="f":new=1
if key=29 then push$="g":new=1
if key=30 then push$="h":new=1
if key=31 then push$="j":new=1
if key=32 then push$="k":new=1
if key=33 then push$="l":new=1
if key=34 then push$=";":new=1
if key=35 then push$="'":new=1
if key=36 then push$="z":new=1
if key=37 then push$="x":new=1
if key=38 then push$="c":new=1
if key=39 then push$="v":new=1
if key=40 then push$="b":new=1
if key=41 then push$="n":new=1
if key=42 then push$="m":new=1
if key=43 then push$=",":new=1
if key=44 then push$=".":new=1
if key=45 then push$="/":new=1
rem timer
if (timer()-t)/1000=60 then inc min,1:t=timer()
rem game over
if min=2 then close file 1:delete file "stats.txt":open to write 1,"stats.txt":write string 1,str$(score):end
rem warning
if min=1 and (timer()-t)/1000>29 and (timer()-t)/1000<41 then warn=1
if min=1 and (timer()-t)/1000>40 then warn=0
if warn=1 then inc wt,1
if wt=20 and swc=0 then ink rgb(255,0,0),1:swc=1:wt=0
if wt=20 and swc=1 then ink rgb(255,255,255),1:swc=0:wt=0
if warn=0 then ink rgb(255,255,255),1 and score<goal
rem goal achieved
if score=>goal and warn=0 then ink rgb(0,255,0),1
rem displaying text
set text size 36
set cursor 230,20:print "goal: ",goal:set cursor 230,60:print "score: ",score:set cursor 280,140:print push$:set text size 16:set cursor 255,360:print "time: ",min,":",(timer()-t)/1000
rem controls
if inkey$()=push$ then inc score,1:new=0
On a scale from one to ten one being very smart and ten being an absolute genius your none of the above