Well, I have not posted for a while, like many others I have been wrapped up in other projects. I am nearing a stage where I need to ask a couple of questions that cross a bit of Modeling and Coding. I will be happy if I can be pointed in the right direction.
I am using Wings 3d (simple yet nice basic proto-typer) and Caligari Game Space ( a monster in itself). I have been learning to make basic shapes and some basic modeling and texturing... (see picture)
and a screeny from a game shot
Now I am about to work on "attaching" a missile on the underside of the wing. I plan on having it show up on the screen with the model, when it's fired off it it's removed.
So I am looking at, how do I make or code in a node to the "fighter" model to attacth another model, the "missile". Plan on using something similar for "turrets" on larger ships. So I am thinking this maybe similar to attaching a "gun" model to a human model. Is this the part where I need to work on creating a "skeleton"?
Not 100% for sure. Looking for some pointers.
There are many answers but just one question" ~ Jerilith the Mad