Ya well ,I figured I would get a negative response .
The point is a fps creator type of a game for the xbox360.And yes I thought about XNA .And I thought about(Yes)without the ability to sell your games.But it's a good idea for a game for the 360.I figured as much there would be a hate for this idea by "FPS Creator Fans"; So Bring it on .
I thought it would bring none PC gamers to the PC world .Kind of leading them/Directing them to the light.Showing that console games are limited to what a PC can do .I first played "Timesplitters" level/editor series and found that I was limited to what I can do. Then I went to the PC for tools for game design and found "thegamecreators" FPS Creator and other software from them.And went from there !
So a person that does not know about "FPS Creator" , or other software by "theGamecreators" that only plays console games would purchase a "FPS Creator type of game "for the xbox360 would get turned on into Game Developing and want to reach out and buy a more advance way of game Design ; they turn to the PC.......
That is the point I am trying to make.Play a basic creator "(xbox360)" and move up the plate for a more advance creator "(PC)". It would lead more Gamers to game Development .
But I guess "FPS Creator" fans would not want that!!! Which is more fans and more competition to better them selves .That is the negative response that I'm getting here so far in this forum .
Sorry for having a good idea and having a open mind on this subject.I don't want to offend my fellow "Game Developers" and "thegamecreators" community . I guess I should turn to XNA ,But I rather "thegamecreators" do this.They are much more experienced than me and would do a better job ,unless my fellow gamers can achieve this ; please do .I'm new to the "Game Development seen" ,you see................
Take Care
Nailed to the Gun on:,
"IOLO1984" Gammertag On XBOXLIVE