I'm converting some code from the IncaPro demo over to C++ for the GDK, and I used dbLimbName. When I went to compile, the compiler informed me that dbLimbName doesn't take 2 arguments. According to the DarkGDK documentation, the prototype for dbLimbName is
char* dbLimbName(int iObject, int iLimb);
and so I'm calling it like so:
char *limbName = dbLimbName(mapId, i);
However, the prototype, according to DarkSDKBasic3D.h, is:
char* dbLimbName(DWORD pDestStr, int iID, int iLimbID);
So my question is, is this a problem of the documentation being out of date, or the prototype? Do I need to call it somewhat like this:
char* destString = dbLimbName((DWORD)destString, objId, limbId);
Or can I remove the DWORD var from the prototype, and will it function properly?