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DLL Talk / direct show problem

Doc Phil
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Joined: 23rd Jan 2007
Posted: 28th Feb 2007 18:51
I have a directshow application and I would like to use it in DB Pro. Currently I use Styx to intialise a COM DLL which displays a video (it's actually from a webcam but I have a custom directshow graph that does some image processing on it before it is displayed). I would like to get this video into darkbasic. Currently I can do either:

1. display the video in a seperate window
2. Pass my code the window handle for the DB window and draw the video using Directshow video render. This sort of works but when DB repaints it paints over the video creating a flickering effect.

My two ideas are either stop DB repainting over video but I don't know how or ideally display the video on DB surface.

Does anyone have any ideas how either of these might be done? Or if its even possible?

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