Thanks very much for posting Sixty Squares, I managed it myself, i have only just registered on the forums, so they need to check my posts are okay before i can respond.
Its interesting that you found a solution completely different to the one i came up with, its funny that no-ones codes the same thing, the same way dontcha think?
incidentally this is how i solved the problem, in case anyone else out there found it tricky, and wants another solution, i changed the code to this:
if upkey = 1 and playerPositionY => 0
dec playerPositionY, playerSpeed
also, i made my sprite change image as it moved left or right, a sort of tilting effect.
if rightkey() = 1and playerPositionX =< screen width() - sprite width(1)
inc playerPositionX, playerSpeed
sprite 1, playerPositionX, playerPositionY, 2`2 is the image for the move right sprite
sprite 1, playerPositionX, playerPositionY, 1
Just because they are paranoid, doesnt mean they arent out to get you.