Alright gents, I'm new to the forums, but I've been coding in DarkBASIC for quite a while. I've recently begun experimenting with shaders and some new stuff in an effort to finally make a full-blown, high visual quality game with my favorite language, DarkBASIC. The game thus far is a hack n'slash set in a dark, pillar filled labyrinth. You're assailed by skeletal undead and other horrors of shadow and shade, and must fight them off as long as possible with nothing but a sword and a torch. Simple? Yes, but
what the game lacks in gameplay I hope it makes up for in raw quality. I'm posting the two newest shots I have and I promise to follow up with more as the game becomes for solid. I also have a demo set up, but it has several unadressed bugs in it (see my Windows XP bug thread in the DB Pro forum for more info). I'll set it up, but I can't assure you that it will work for you yet. Anyway, enjoy, and let me know if you have any suggestions.
P.S. The demo requires Pixel shader 1.3 and vertex shader 1.1 support to run, and all textures and models are VERY temporary at this point and time as well. The lighting is also very dark, so you might want to either turn up your briteness or play in a darker room.
The time for speaking comes rarely, the time for being never departs. ~
George Macdonald