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DLL Talk / Returning a value from a dll

dance dreemer
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Posted: 5th Mar 2007 16:55
Hi i recently bought a usb project board from velleman electronics which came with all the drivers and a dll file containing all the functions to work the project board and a pdf explaining what thay do with examples in delphi, c+ and vb. I managed to load the dll into db and got it to work ok but some of the functions in the dll return a value so i looked in the db manual and found none of the 5 commands db has native return a value from a dll function.. for example it says in the pdf:

var h: longint;
h:=OpenDevice(0); // Opens the link to card number 0

so by rights that should return the value of the card number to h
so what im trying to do is do the same in db but cant seem to figure out how.. i have tryed using things like :

a = call dll 1,"OpenDevice",0
print a

but db errors on that so since (as far as i know) theres no db command to return a value how would i go about doing it ?

any help would be great ..
thanx in advance..


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Posted: 5th Mar 2007 18:43
You forgot brackets - this:

a = call dll 1,"OpenDevice",0

should be this:

a = call dll(1,"OpenDevice",0)

dance dreemer
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Posted: 5th Mar 2007 21:06
ohh thanx ill try that

dance dreemer
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Posted: 5th Mar 2007 21:09
thanx ianm worked like a charm

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Posted: 6th Mar 2007 00:01
Glad to help out

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