Half-Life2 is still pretty linear, and trust me the graphics have nothing on Ghost Catchers
... the title might be pretty stupid, but it truely is one of the most graphically amazing games you'll see to date.
i mean you've probably just seen the screenshots of HL2 which are floating around the net, which don't give you the true feel of that game even. Alot of HL2 is create with atmosphere, when the E3 movie is released within the week you'll see what i mean about that - as it does harbour some truely stunning atmosphere which as you play suck you in to the story... which has been evolved quite a bit, this time without the weak engine the previous HL based games have had.
even still when you see a whispy ghost in GC float around with whisps going everywhere, subtly moving cloth as it passes by fast - yeah thats something that truely makes the games graphics seem alive is the interaction with inanimate object throughout the world.
Tomb Raider - Angel of Darkness also has this to a degree... clothes in GC move with the player, NONE of which is animation by thier own physics engine doing some pretty amazing things.
These guys are good at just let loose fun horrors (Medievil,Primal,etc in thier box) ... and the new one surely sets to not only set a new graphical standard on the PS2 - but also bring gamers back to just having fun interacting with environment rather than just simply playing games.
Each level is pretty open from what i hear, you goto a world and your there to catch the spirits or destory them (whichever) ... but you'll chase them around entire levels with no linear like PointA-PointB but just a good old hunt
and the fact that they've turned off the PS2's blur and FSAA and used thier own routines to enhance the look, certainly makes it look better when i first saw it about a month ago i thought it was either a new PC or XBox title
Within the Epic battle of the fates the Shadow and the Angel will meet. With it will harbinger the very fight of good vs evil!