Now that I am finaly getting my network to work, I have decided to continue work onmy website.
For those who don't know, my website is mainly deditcated to helping people find the right "game programing" software. There is info on my site about allot of things from Lanuages to Engines, to Modeler and to Paint Programs, with lots more.
I was woundering if anyone would be willing to help write reviews on any topic? There is no pay involved and no stress on you. If you want to write something, go ahead and e-mail it to me. I wont contact you (unless you ask) and ask you to write anything.
An example would be;
Dark Basic:
I started using DarkBasic back in 1999.
I tried other "game making" programs, but found DB the best!
It is a very easy to use program.
If you are looking for a good and easy program to make games, Dark Basic or Dark Basic Pro is the way to go!
William 2003
I have used Milkshape for awhile now. It is a very good program for modeling. I would give it a rating of 10 because 10 is the best! No other modler can beat MilkShape.
Thanks for your help,
need more information on game development,
X is left-right, Y is up-down and Z is near-away