Quote: "If that's the case then I want my money back"
When I said that I was meaning that's often the general opinion here, it's certainly not the case - but a lot of people see it that way despite the fact that things are happening and have been happening for some time now.
Personally I'm glad I don't use FPSC, because the very worst thing with game development is relinquishing control of your project - that's what you sorta have to do once it get's to a certain point that FPSC struggles, usually something specific (melee for example). When you hit this wall it seems that all you can do is wait, rather than take the bull by the horns and develop in other areas, people prefer to bitch about it.
So while your project waits on Lee improving FPSC, learn some modelling, make some music, edit some sounds, draw some textures, rough out some levels, start a new project, take up dancing, play lots of FPS games and steal their ideas, study FPSC scripting, write a nice storyline to go alongside your game...
...There's a ton and a half of things people could do besides bitching, yet it's rare for most people to do this.
Maybe the mods should let in the odd a-hole, someone to annoy the folk here to the point that they don't care about having to wait on improvements, give them someone to moan about.