autocam off
sync on
sync rate 60
color backdrop 100
hide mouse
text 0,10,"Hello and welcome to my small rollercoaster demo."
wait key
text 0,30,"What my team and I hope to accomplish is to deliver a fun experience."
text 0,50,"while at the same time showing off technical prowness."
wait key
text 0,70,"Though we are begginners,we are willing to do anything to prove ourselves."
wait key
text 0,90,"My name is Ian Lyons and this is my rollercoaster demo."
wait key
text 0,150,"Latch, thank you for the code to get this project rolling. I owe you one."
wait key
make matrix 1,4000/25,30000,1,25
make matrix 2,4000,4000/25,25,1
make matrix 3,30000/25,800,1,25
make matrix 4,50000/25,800,1,25
make matrix 5,10000/25,800,1,25
make matrix 6,50000/25,800,1,25
make matrix 7,40000/25,800,1,25
make matrix 8,40000/25,800,1,25
make matrix 9,20000/25,800,1,25
position matrix 3, 2000,50,-100
position matrix 4, 1600,50,-100
position matrix 5, 3500,50,-100
position matrix 6, 1000,50,-100
position matrix 7, 0,50,-100
position matrix 8, 0,50,-100
position matrix 9, 0,50,-100
position camera 4000,100,10
for z=2 to 25
for x=0 to 1
set matrix height 1,x,z,y#
next x
next z
update matrix 1
update matrix 2
make object sphere 1,20
scale object 1, 100,100,-100
color object 1,400
if upkey()=1 then move camera 10.0
if downkey()=1 then move camera -10.0
if leftkey()=1 then angley#=wrapvalue(angley#-2.0)
if rightkey()=1 then angley#=wrapvalue(angley#+2.0)
xrotate camera 0.0
yrotate camera angley#
zrotate camera 0.0
rem get ground height for camera height
camy#=get ground height(1,camera position x(),camera position z())
position camera camera position x(),camy#+20,camera position z()
text 0,0,str$(camy#)
Well here it is, a start to a rollercoaster/racer, do what you want with it, i'm starting a futuristic racer with it.