If all the AIs are spawned in and active at the same time they all react as they should. I got rid of the trigger zones and had all the AIs load at the start of the game. Lost about 2-3 FPS but they all did what they should have done. However, after I killed about half of them the remaining AIs had slower reaction time and the last 2 almost didnt respond at all.
I cut the number of AIs to 9. Later I might get brave and try 10. They all perform as needed now but the game play is not as good. Im bummed about that but if the engine is to weak to run more than that on a mid quality machine, I will have to live with it.
Over all FPSC is getting better. I remember when it did very little of what I wanted. Now it does about half of what I need. I hope the trend continues. One day it may be as good as the big name engines that cost thousands in royalties.
I have worked with Reality Factory and the Unreal engine and they give me 90% of what I expected but they take long time to get anything done. Reality Factory is open source and free of charge. However in order to create media for it you must buy a program like milkshape that exports directly to ".bdy" format, then you have to use another peice of software to combine the textures and the ".mot" files (animations) into an actor file.
Not hard to do but my milkshape keep crashing and I cant be bothered with that sort of thing when Im trying to be productive. Blender is free and has tons of plugins and exports to ".x". There is 3D Canvas that cost a few bucks but it really works well and also exports to ".x" format.
So I kept an eye on FPSC and when I felt that it had matured to the point that it does enough to make something more than just tiny levels to share between friends I dicided to give it another go. I still mess with the other 6 or so engines though. No use cutting lose anything that might be usefull.
UPDATE - 10:35 PM 3/30/2007:
10 AIs = bad idea.
The person that now knows the most started with many questions. Patients and tolorance are the keys to the passage of knowledge. FPSC is Getting better. Now if we can just keep the ball rolling.