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DLL Talk / Upgrade 6.6 or Vista error?

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Joined: 6th Aug 2006
Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Posted: 27th Mar 2007 22:26
Ok so I upgraded to vista, installed DX9.0c, installed DBP, upgraded to 6.6 and executed one of my projects and got this error

"Could not create executable "C:\Program Files\....\game.exe"

any help is appreciated

Retired Moderator
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Posted: 28th Mar 2007 01:54
So ... why post in the DLL forum? Wouldn't you be better off posting in the DBPro forum, or better yet, doing a search there where this question has most probably been answered?

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Location: Hamilton, New Zealand
Posted: 28th Mar 2007 07:47
my bad i clicked the wrong forum, i thought this was bug report

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Joined: 7th Apr 2007
Location: Australia
Posted: 10th Apr 2007 05:50
It is because in vista there is added security on program files. Try saving somewhere else like My Documents or an external disk.

~Z Man~

~ z_man ~

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