I have 100 images of "enemy" sprites. Whenever an enemy is shot it's to explode into its component parts, a la Robotron 2084.
Problem - how best to extract the component parts of an image ON THE FLY.
I don't want to store the component parts in other images, so the question is: how do I blit only parts of an arbitrary image?
The images vary in width/height.
I was thinking of using the .NET equivalent of MAKE MEMORY FROM IMAGE then extracting the pixels I need, locking the back buffer and then writing them using pointer arith, but after my last experience with the back buffer (it was helluva slow, but then I was trying to update the entire screen at once lol) I'm hesitant.
Is there a better way or will writing (not reading) to the back buffer be OK this time, I don't expect to need to lock it for so many CPU cycles as before.
Regards, Scott T.
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