Hee ok Use the set camera to follow
if inkey$()="w" or inkey$()="W" then move object 1,1
if inkey$()="s" or inkey$()="S" then move object 1,-1
if inkey$()="a" or inkey$()="A" then move object left 1,1
if inkey$()="d" or inkey$()="D" then move object right 1,1
rem Use wrapvalue to turn object
if inkey$()="l" or inkey$()="L" then yrotate object(1), wrapvalue(object angle y(1) - 1)
if inkey$()="j" or inkey$()="J" then yrotate object(1), wrapvalue(object angle y(1) + 1)
`if inkey$()="l" or inkey$()="L" then turn object right 1,1
`if inkey$()="j" or inkey$()="J" then turn object left 1,1
rem after that use the set camera to follow
set camera to follow Object position x(1), Object position y(1), object position z(1), Object angle y(1), 10, 10, 1, 1
rem have fun with the set camera to follow
I'm not sure but is you use keystate() it will be better
If you can, I can!