Right, I have returned with fresh ideas that, I hope, will prove to be more widely useable than that toy chest!
- A table (wooden)
- a desk (office use)
- a stack of books (grouped as one object but say, 3-5 books)
- a shelf (with 3-7 layers perhaps filled with books or random objects that could simply by alphamapped planes)
- some vegetation such as bushes and trees
- A chair (ornate or something fancy that stands out
- a weapon rack (dare I ask for it to include various weapons too eg swords, axes a crossbow etc.)
- a flat screen tv
- a shopping trolley
- an all purpose ball! (with various textures including tennis ball, football, beach ball etc.)
- a train! (perhaps you could alter the subway car)
- a scooter (I'm thinking like those micro ones for kiddies rather than a moped)
- a bicycle
- a recycle bin
- a flashlight
- and finally, a clothes line (with alpha-mapped clothes)
Well, that should keep you occupied!
Good luck!
"Psst! Brian! There's a message in my alphabet soup. It says, 'oooooooooo!'"
"Peter, those are Cheerios."