What this program does is generate random (invalid) Email addresses and use them to create a outputted HTML file that tricks spam bots into thinking that the addresses are real.The spammers\' list of email addresses is then filled with garabage The HTML is saved as output.html. To use the output save the outputted html file on your website and link to it.It will continue generateing the file untill it becomes too large , then the program will crash (that happens quickly).Enjoy your revenge on spammers
Here is the DBPro code:
randomize timer():
OPEN TO WRITE 1,\"output.html\"
plus$ = plus$ + \"<a href=\'\"
plus$ = plus$ + \"mailto:\"
for t= 1 to rnd(30)
rand = rnd(5)
if rand = 0 then plus$ = plus$ + \"g\"
if rand = 1 then plus$ = plus$ + \"2\"
if rand = 2 then plus$ = plus$ + \"b\"
if rand = 3 then plus$ = plus$ + \"s\"
if rand = 4 then plus$ = plus$ + \"9\"
if rand = 5 then plus$ = plus$ + \"w\"
next t
plus$ = plus$ + \"@\":rand = rnd(3)
if rand = 0 then plus$ = plus$ + \"gmail.com\"
if rand = 1 then plus$ = plus$ + \"yahoo.com\"
if rand = 2 then plus$ = plus$ + \"hotmail.com\"
if rand = 3 then plus$ = plus$ + \"aol.com\"
plus$ = plus$ + \"\'>\"
for t= 1 to rnd(30)
rand = rnd(5)
if rand = 0 then plus$ = plus$ + \"g\"
if rand = 1 then plus$ = plus$ + \"2\"
if rand = 2 then plus$ = plus$ + \"b\"
if rand = 3 then plus$ = plus$ + \"s\"
if rand = 4 then plus$ = plus$ + \"9\"
if rand = 5 then plus$ = plus$ + \"w\"
next t
plus$ = plus$ + \"</a>\"