Sigh. Here is EXAMPLE code for this, this now cancelled project, to which I have posted the source, shows you how you can load and save level data to/from text files.
The functions which you need to look at are:
and the Save level code (the Code Snippet box below, click the SOURCE button to see the rest of the code)
If scancode()=31
savename$ = XInput("Enter the filename for this level")
levelfname$ = "levels/"+savename$+".srl"
If File Exist(levelfname$) = 1
If XInput("Overwrite Existing File Y/N") = "y" Then Delete File levelfname$
If savename$ <> "" and File Exist(levelfname$) = 0
`Write Data
Open To Write 1,levelfname$
Write String 1,"["+levelname$+":"+Str$(levelgravity)+":"+str$(levelfuelrate)+":"+str$(leveloxygenrate)+"]"
`Write Each line (cycle through all objects)
for i = 0 to 2001
if object exist(1000+i) = 1
obj = 1000+i
prepstring$ = str$(objType(i))+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(Object Position X(obj))+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(Object Position Y(obj))+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(Object Position Z(obj))+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(objscale(i).ScaleX)+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(objscale(i).ScaleY)+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(objscale(i).ScaleZ)+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(objTexture(i))+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(objGhoststatus(i))+","
prepstring$ = prepstring$ + str$(objSpecial(i))+","
Write String 1,prepstring$
next i
Close File 1
NOTE: This code can only handle two types of object, cubes and cylinders, however this could easily be expanded to take any object you wanted.
If you want to see Matrix saving / loading, then search for MatEdit on Google.