Quote: "
1.How would you go about choosing model's and team's or does it for you?
2.any way to have it so when they start program it HAS TO open up a like update news's ect.. window?
3.pretty sure it can be done but like have a program mabey with update window to choose video options or is there a way to add it ingame?
4.along with the news thing... can you amke so if you don;t want the game being played no one can .. like it stops all server and or clients from palying it?
5.any way to have ingame advertisment's?
6.any way to create custom maps for the multipalyer game or can you already do that? and can you stop it if you can?
7.is there a way that you can restrict some ones server power? like runner of the server? (Server client program)
8.What is the best way to make sure your game does not get pirated?"
#1 Read the manual. Choosing models and placing them is a click and drag situation. As far as teams best option you got is getting AI's to follow you around.
#2 Read the manual... There is a start screen but to get multiple splash screens you will need a seperate program like Quick Menu Builder for example...
#3 Read answer #2
#4 Are you refering to a kill command... If you are running a LAN game for instance who ever is hosting all he has to do is shut it down from his end that kicks everybody else from that game.... But does not stop them from starting the game back up on there PC and hosting the game thereself.... As far as the internet connection the game is still hosted from the home PC so the answer is still the same.
#5 Its your game advertise till your heart is content. Just be sure not to advertise somebodies material that has a trade mark or copyright to it without there written permission first. Otherwise you could end up with legal issues if your game was ever to become popular with the masses.
#6 Can't say this enough.... Read the manual
#7 Okay same question as 4 basicly. It is best you read the manual... Also use the search feature on this forum below.
#8 Ah finally the best of all questions. Nothing is ever full proof. But Locrian and S4 have come out with Vishnu wich in my opinion is better then click teams installer.
Okay I hope this helps answer some of your questions and also point you in the right direction. Also a just in case you dont know you can find your manual in your FPSC Directory on your harddrive.
Good luck and happy gaming.
If you think education cost so much you should see how expensive ignorance can cost you