I followed the "Third Party Commands SDK V1.2" tutorial using dev-c++ and used the same two first commands they had:
#define MYCOMMAND __declspec ( dllexport )
MYCOMMAND void PrintText( LPSTR pString )
MessageBox(NULL, pString, "", MB_OK);
MYCOMMAND int GetValue( void )
return 42;
I am simply trying to get the string tables down. I opened the DLL in notepad like they suggested in the tut but found nothing that closly resembled the "decorated form of my function." I did some forum searching and found out someone else had done it like this:
1,"PRINT TEXT%S%PrintText%"
2,"GET VALUE[%L%GetValue%"
instead of:
1,"PRINT TEXT%S%?PrintText@@YAXPAD@Z%String"
2,"GET VALUE[%L%?GetValue@@YAHXZ"
Well my problem is, either way, I still get the error: "Could not find function '[decorated name]' in 0:dbprocore.dll"
So I've attached EVERYTHING. Hopefully, someone can make me look like an idiot and explain it in a manor which makes some sense.
I also upgraded from U6.3 to U6.6b and still have the problem. So I'm pretty sure its not that.
P4 3.4ghz/2gb RAM (+PF=24gb)/GeForce 6200 A-LE 256meg AGP8x (Altered for 16pipelines, 768mb forced TurboCache-ish)/WinXP Pro/74gb WDRaptor(SATA,OS)/3x 200gb WDCaviar(IDE)/250gb WDCaviar SE16(SATA)