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Dark GDK / Please help to choose product package

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Joined: 16th Apr 2007
Posted: 16th Apr 2007 11:58
Please, excuse my poor english.
I've used DarkGameSDK Freeware and now i want to
get some more products.
I'm coding in c++ so main SDK should be DarkGDK.
Does DarkGDK.NET support c++ language.

And the main question. Which of other products, such as DarkShader,
fully support DarkGDK.

Please, I need correct answers. Thanks.
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Location: Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Posted: 16th Apr 2007 16:52
If you're programming in C++ and won't change to another language (Like C# and VB.NET), then you should stick to DarkGDK.

The .NET version should usable from Managed C++, but you would only be adding unecessary overhead to you application, and make it even larger (users would need to install .NET Framework, 23 MB Download, and DGDK.NET Runtime, +- 4MB Download). Me and Paul (the creator of DGDK.NET version) discussed this with some people on the forum, and both of us agreed this: You're using .NET Languages, then the .NET is the version for you; You're programming on C++, then go for C++ DarkGDK.

As for other products, as far as I know, only DarkShader and EZRotate, but I think somebody else could confirm that.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2007 21:42 Edited at: 16th Apr 2007 21:44
psx, KBessa is correct in what he has stated regarding the C++ compatability issue. It is important to note though that DGDK.NET is really ideal for the managed languages like VB.NET and C#.NET. DGDK.NET effectively (WRAPS) the DGDK libraries supplied with the C++ version, but this process adds a middle layer, specifically for COM interop to work under .NET. If you were to buy DGDK.NET, you would not gain any advantages at all with C++.


Abundance = Choice = Freedom - Scarcity = Dependancy = Control, Truth!
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Posted: 17th Apr 2007 13:29
I got it.
kBessa, Paul, thanks for your answers.

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