Updated it to make it simpler to use, just save this code in a directory with some rigged models without animation:
`Simple Skeletal system test by James Masson
`DBpro demo
`Mouse 2 selects bone
`Mouse x rotates object
`Mouse 1+move x/y rotates selected limb/bone in the x/y dimensions
`Spacekey moves the object in the direction it faces
`Esc to exit
sync on
hide mouse
color backdrop 0
backdrop off
print "Input name of rigged .x model:"
input filename$
if file exist(filename$+".x")=1
load object filename$+".x",1
while limb exist(1,l)=1
inc l
inc max_limbs,1
dec max_limbs,1
print "Could not load object, try again"
goto getfile
backdrop on
autocam off
make object cube 2,1
ghost object on 1
ghost object on 2
if mouseclick()=2 then mc2=1
if mc2=1 and mouseclick()=0
inc ls,1
if ls>max_limbs then ls=0
if mouseclick()=1
l_xrot#=wrapvalue(limb angle x(1,ls)+mousemovey())
l_yrot#=wrapvalue(limb angle y(1,ls)+mousemovex())
rotate limb 1,ls,l_xrot#,l_yrot#,limb angle z(1,ls)
yrotate object 1,ry#
position object 2,limb position x(1,ls),limb position y(1,ls),limb position z(1,ls)
rotate object 2,limb angle x(1,ls),limb angle y(1,ls),limb angle z(1,ls)
if spacekey()=1 then move object 1,-0.05
set cursor 0,0
for l=0 to max_limbs
if limb exist(1,l)=1
l$=limb name$(1,l)
if l=ls
ink rgb(255,0,0),0
ink rgb(255,255,255),0
print str$(l)+": "+l$
next l
center text 320,460,"Esc to exit"
delete object 1
delete object 2
I'd really appreciate it if someone would try this in patch 4.1 and let me know if the mesh deforms around the bones
and here's a rigged model to test it with if you don't have one, so there's no excuse!!
Just save the stoopid cylinder in the same directory as the project, start the program type:
or the name of an .x model of your own which has no animation data
then try scrolling through the joints/limbs/bones whatever you want to call them (rightclick) and then leftclick/drag the mouse to attempt realtime deformation of the mesh.
Move the mouse left/right without clicking to rotate the model.
Press space to move the model.
Please take note if the limbs move with the model (I know bone 0 does, but I'm interested in the others
Of course you can always just use it as a stoopid model viewer too
ZX Spectrum 48k Issue 3, Radio shack Tape drive, Rank arena 12" T.V. set.