Thanks Keith that makes sense.
Next question, about the textures using 3DS Maxx, I apply my textures using the material editor, and export using PandaDXExport. What settings should I use as I have noticed my textures did not export properly or not at all when making the x model and then using the Enity Maker.
Example the Enity maker is askng for a texture file, and I am here thinking why does it need this?
And I if I do need to imput this what program should I be using to create these or will 3DS Maxx actually export the texture as well?
In the past modeling for SimCity and other games everything was included in the model and export, so this is a little new to me or I have missed a step somewhere.
Thanks for all the help guys.
My first project that I am working on is a AS-50 .Cal Sniper Rifle AKA the Berret Big Boy
"Not asking the question to begin with is the only stupid question..."