Well, I don't quite understand your code, but the second time you type 'input$' isn't spelled right. Also, 'strnum' needs to go before the 'len' command if you want the variable to equal the length of the string. Here's the code:
if returnkey()=1
input input$
if left$(input$,strnum)=
Try making an array of strings that can hold the data you want to search, then in a 'For/next' loop search for the key word.
Something like this:
dim string$(10)
string$(1)="a is #1"
string$(2)="b is #2"
string$(3)="c is #3"
string$(4)="d is #4"
string$(5)="e is #5"
string$(6)="f is #6"
string$(7)="g is #7"
string$(8)="h is #8"
string$(9)="i is #9"
string$(10)="j is #10"
input "Please type a keyword: ";key$
for x=1 to 10
if Bmid$(string$(x),x,x+strnum-1)=key$
print string$(x)
next x
wait 2000
function Bmid$(string$,value,valuelen)
for x=1 to strlen
for n=value to valuelen
if len(word$)=<valuelen-value
next n
next x
endfunction (word$)
You can use the Bmid$ function if it's any use to you for this.
Hope I helped.