heres the code using the code button!!
rem variable at start of prog
rem you need to insert the correct names for your bullet rem and the object you want damage to work for!Also
rem collision needs to be set on (I just used global
rem collision!)You may find that the bullet passes through rem the entity which causes damage to be detected
rem constantly while it passes through, which gives an
rem imbalanced damage output.So you need to make sure the rem bullet is repositioned or deleted when collision
rem occurs too.
rem main loop...
if object collision (bullet,entity)=1 then hit=1
if object collision (bullet,entity)=0 then hit=0
rem change the +15.7 to any ammount that works for your rem game,this is the ammount of damage, also the +500 on rem the next line can be changed, this is the ammount
rem of \"health\".Also after damage=0 on same line you can rem add your death or respawn code!
if hit=1 then damage=damage+15.7
if damage=500 then damage=0
text 10,50,\"Damage: \"+str$ (damage)