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DLL Talk / Making a Wiimote plugin for DBPro?

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Posted: 7th May 2007 19:04
I've just managed to find this quite new library for C# and VB and I'm thinking that, if VB plugins can be made for DBPro, then maybe this library could be made to work with it also:

Download the Wiimote library here:

There is example implementation code for C# and VB in the download.

It's seems quite unstable at the moment (it works - picks up and sends data to the remote - but the test program seems to crash a lot). Considering the number of different Bluetooth devices there are knocking around out there, I'm not surprised.

List of devices that may work:

Can anyone with a bit more knowledge than me have a look at this quickly and give an opinion about whether it might work with DBPro? And if so, how difficult it might be to do it?

Lastly, has anyone made a test DBPro plugin in C# and got it to work?

aluseus GOD
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Posted: 9th May 2007 05:18
What does it do?

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bass guy1669
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Posted: 9th May 2007 09:04
it lets you use the wij remote in C# and VB

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aluseus GOD
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Posted: 10th May 2007 00:26
can you make it dbpro compatible?

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Dr Manette
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Posted: 10th May 2007 01:02
I was just discussing this today with a few of my fellow programmers. A wiimote plugin would rock for DBpro, especially if it actually worked well. I'm sure it's possible, but who would make it?

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Posted: 12th May 2007 19:48
As far as i know he only got it to turn on the lights and vibrate i think, he stopped developing it though,he may be kind enough to give you the source to see how he did it.

I personally would love a plugin for DBPro to get the wiimote to work for it. Since people only need to buy a wiimote, a bluetooth dongle and bluesoleil(which i got free with my dongle).

Its annoying though to get the wiimote to work through C because you need to connect it to bluesoleil before running an application.

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aluseus GOD
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Posted: 12th May 2007 20:02
I'd love to have one to.

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Zombie 20
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Posted: 13th May 2007 09:20
Just think of what we could accomplish! Our own line of wii esque games.

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Posted: 20th May 2007 12:44
Thats just what i want In my rpg if u have wiimote u can plug it in and use it as 'extra' if u are near secret place the first light starts go on and off and the mote will start to vibrate and etc cool things im gonna to make with this

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Zombie 20
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Posted: 25th May 2007 03:22
TADA!! Hack and slash anyone? Think about how amazing that would be.

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