I think zombie was creating platforms that could be used as the terrain for the character to walk on. My random generator needs some serious tweaking, but I have to go out for a couple of hours. here is what I was up to. I hate responsibilities!
Ok I sped things up by turning the backdrop back on. and started generating the random world. Unfortunately I have to clean an office tonight (we run a second business and my guy was sick). So I figured it would be best to give you what I have. I'll finish it tonight or tomorrow morning). The way it is now, there is 1 sync, and the animation frames are taken out for now. It's pretty easy to get it back in. Or you could use the other code. I just wanted you to be able to see how I was beginning to create the landscape.
sync on
sync rate 150
backdrop on
color backdrop rgb(0,0,0)
rem Init animation frame multipliers and mods
zoommod = 5
rem dimension animation$ to hold our bunny animations
rem each frame is 6 characters wide (X)
rem 4 characters tall (Y)
rem and there are 9 total frames (z)
dim animation$(6,4,9)
rem dimension world string to hold our world info
rem the world display on the screen will be
rem 100 characters wide (X)
rem by 10 characters tall max (Y)
dim world$(50,10)
rem Lets build the world dynamicly.
rem The rnd() function will be seeded
rem with a randomize command to the system timer().
rem This will help ensure a random sequence each run
rem If we didn't do this, the same patterns would
rem emerge each time the program is run.
rem ascii values for 0 to 255. The extra values are
rem there to ensure we get better odds of having spaces
randomize timer()
for y=1 to 10
for x=1 to 50 step rnd(10)
if asc(char$)>255
char$=" "
next x
next y
rem fill the array with all the animation frames
rem (Skip element 0 in each dimension, I don't like using it)
restore BunnyFrames
for z=1 to 9
for y=1 to 4
for x=1 to 6
read a$
next x
next y
next z
rem get simple user input
if rightkey()
inc xmod, speed
inc xmul, zoommod
if leftkey()
dec xmod, speed
dec xmul, zoommod
if upkey()
dec ymod, speed
inc ymul, zoommod
if downkey()
inc ymod, speed
dec ymul, zoommod
rem it's time to draw our world
for y=1 to 10
for x=1 to 50
text (x*10)+200,(y*10)+300,char$
next x
next y
rem draw animation frames from array
for z=1 to 9
for y=1 to 4
for x=1 to 6
text (x*xmul)+xmod,(y*ymul)+ymod, a$
next x
next y
rem z holds each frame
rem so clear the screen after each frame is done
rem and sync the text that was printed
next z
rem prevent code from ever running into the data statements
rem First Frame : Frame1
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data "(",">","_","_","<",")"
data "(","^","_","_","^",")"
rem Frame2
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data "(","^","_","_","^",")"
data "(",">","_","_","<",")"
rem Frame3
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data " ","(","^","_","<",")"
data "(",">","_","_","<",")"
rem frame4
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data " ","(","^","_","<",")"
data " ","(",">","_","^",")"
rem Frame5
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data " ","(","<","_","<",")"
data " ","(","^","_","^",")"
rem Frame6
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data "(","<","_","_","<",")"
data "(",">","_","_",">",")"
rem Frame7
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data "(",">","_","_",">",")"
data "(","<","_","_","<",")"
rem Frame 8
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data "(","<","_","_",">",")"
data "(","^","_","_","^",")"
rem Last Frame : Frame 9
data "(","","_","_","/",")"
data " ","(","O",".","o",")"
data "(",">","_","_","<",")"
data "(","^","_","_","^",")"