It wouldn't be much of a parser job. Once you can point to the memory location of an array, then you just have to treat it usually.
For your example, you could do MyArray(3).var2(MyArray(8).var1).angle(3)
Get MyArray's location + 3*sizeof(MyType)
Get MyArray's location + 8*sizeof(MyType)
Get the location of var1
Add the data in that location to the register
Get location of var2 (from the first operation) + register value*sizeof(Coords)
Get location of angle + 3*sizeof(float)
Get the value at that location
That's ust worked out on the spot. I don't know if it would be buggy, but it is possible (and this is from a kid who has had no real training on compilers). I don't think it would have been too much extra work, but it would have made a huge difference.
I think their problem is that they just dont treat arrays like they should. I think they are more like linked lists, and that would make it harder to work.