xof 0303txt 0032
template VertexDuplicationIndices {
DWORD nIndices;
DWORD nOriginalVertices;
array DWORD indices[nIndices];
template XSkinMeshHeader {
WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerVertex;
WORD nMaxSkinWeightsPerFace;
WORD nBones;
template SkinWeights {
STRING transformNodeName;
DWORD nWeights;
array DWORD vertexIndices[nWeights];
array float weights[nWeights];
Matrix4x4 matrixOffset;
Frame RootFrame {
FrameTransformMatrix {
Frame Mesh02_Materi01 {
FrameTransformMatrix {
Mesh {
MeshMaterialList {
Material Materi01 {
} //End of Material
Material Mat1 {
TextureFilename { "Materi01.jpg"; }
} // End of Material
} //End of MeshMaterialList
MeshNormals {
} //End of MeshTextureCoords
} // End of the Mesh Mesh02_Materi01
} // SI End of the Object Mesh02_Materi01
Frame Mesh02_Material {
FrameTransformMatrix {
Mesh {
MeshMaterialList {
Material Material_001 {
} //End of Material
Material Mat1 {
TextureFilename { "Material.jpg"; }
} // End of Material
} //End of MeshMaterialList
MeshNormals {
} //End of MeshNormals
MeshTextureCoords {
} //End of MeshTextureCoords
} // End of the Mesh Mesh02_Material
} // SI End of the Object Mesh02_Material
} // End of the Root Frame
ok thats a .x code of a track with all the numbers removed
il try and make sence here.
all textures from each save start as material / 01 02 03 etc on 3d modeler
all the models i have made are put into seperate folder so there is no confusion (overwrite same name file)
yet for some reason when i test game the textures kinda go random or fpsc paints whole model with 1 texture.
only thing i can think to prevent this is edit the actual .x file
example ''materi01.jpg'' to a renamed texture and all lines related to texture ''Frame Mesh02_Materi01 '' SI End of the Object Mesh02_Materi01,,
is this common practice or is there a simple way to solve this ??
i was told to make all models dynamic it worked for a while but since my user folder a grown a file tree its gone a lil crazy.
any advice or tip will be great.