my favourite game right now is TheSimsOnline... no killing in that (though they've promised it for almost a year for the Beta testers lol)
it is amusing to yank out people hearts when you hate them though hehee...
but that aside i wouldn't look forward to a Voltaire game anytime soon as they'd never get past the ratings bereau, and for good reason.
if you want good story based games withou killing the checkout any lucasart adventure game, they makes some bloody good adventure games full of alot of vulgre yet apt humour - or the Discworld games, especially noir are pretty cool.
Simon the Sourcerer another good title... even flippin' Harry Potter is a good game in that respects.
its not a case that good non-voilent/killing games arn't out there, its a case that you don't want to play them - else you'd know there were there!
Within the Epic battle of the fates the Shadow and the Angel will meet. With it will harbinger the very fight of good vs evil!