Well the only loop I'm using for it is a for loop:
for i=0 to 10
if (object exist(enemy(i))>0)
if (intersect object(modelBuilding,limb position x(playerObj,1),limb position y(playerObj,1),limb position z(playerObj,1),X#,Y#,Z#) < intersect object(enemy(i),limb position x(playerObj,1),limb position y(playerObj,1),limb position z(playerObj,1),X#,Y#,Z#))
sprite 4,screen width()/2-16,screen height()/2-16,spriteCrosshairAimed
if (mouseclick()=1 and keystate(19)=0 and reloading#=0 and ammo>0) then delete object enemy(i)
Ending it doesn't seem to do anything. Also, I'm still able to shoot through multiple enemies, so I'll need to exit the loop after I hit the first enemy as well. Could you post an example code of how to do this please? I've tried everything I could think of.