I've tried that already, and it didn't work. I was sure what to set it to so I tried setting it to 0, 1, and 2. None of them worked. The help file said 0 would work and it didn't. Here's my code:
MatWidth = 1500
MatHeight = 1500
MatTilesX = 120
MatTilesZ = 120
MatNum = 6
Dim MatrixAnim(2,MatTilesX,MatTilesZ)
Rem Image For Water And Sea Bed
load image "media\textures\refract.bmp",3
Rem Create Sea Matrix
Make Matrix MatNum,MatWidth,MatHeight,MatTilesX,MatTilesZ
Prepare Matrix Texture MatNum,3,1,1
Ghost Matrix on MatNum,2
Position Matrix MatNum, -250, -1, -250
set matrix 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0