The default segment media does not exhibit the corruption in the shot above, so it may be worth looking at the media you are using. Here is a copy of an element within a segment, which you must recreate as close as possible:
;Segment Parts
partmode0 = 0
meshname0 = meshbank\scifi\moonbase\rooms\laboratory\floor_a.x
offx0 = 0
offy0 = -51
offz0 = 0
rotx0 = 0
roty0 = 0
rotz0 = 0
texture0 = texturebank\scifi\floors\metal\f_b_01_d2.tga
textured0 = texturebank\scifi\floors\metal\f_b_01_D.tga
texturen0 = texturebank\scifi\floors\metal\f_b_01_N.tga
textures0 = texturebank\scifi\floors\metal\f_b_01_S.tga
transparency0 = 0
effect0 = effectbank\bump\bump.fx
colmode0 = 1
csgmesh0 =
csgmode0 = 0
csgimmune0 = 1
lightmode0 = 0
multimeshmode0 = 1
materialindex0 = 2
The attached shot is a small room using this segment floor element using full effects, full lightmapping, two static lights and one dynamic light. I can confirm that although illumination mapping works with full lighting, normal maps only work at present when full lighting is not employed. This bug has been set to low priority because the lighting model required to use normal mapping across the entire scene would be too intense to retain gameplay speeds on most machines. Illumination mapping is only used sparingly in certain segments and can be incorporated without loosing framerate. If there is much demand for full normal mapping in full lightmapping mode I can step this bug up to a higher priority.
"Small, smart, and running around the legs of dinosaurs to find enough food to survive, bedroom programmers aren't extinct after all